Monday, March 11, 2013

Certified Movie Buff: Wild Child

Hey. Happy Monday! Even though in my head I'm wishing that it's still Saturday or Sunday. ^^ Anyway. Since all I can think of right now is how much I want to watch a few movies but can't since it'd be too late to sleep when I finish, here's a quick movie, well, synopsis for you guys.

This one came out a little after Emma Roberts starred in a Nancy Drew movie. I watched this before Scream 4 came out and I still didn't know she can play the I'm-so-insane-I-can-kill role so well.

Wild Child is about Poppy Moore, a spoiled sassy teenager from Malibu who one day gets into her dad's nerves so badly that she gets sent to a boarding school in England where her brat-titude is simply not acceptable. So are her Jimmy Choos, I believe. With the strict Mrs. Kingsley (played by the late Natasha Richardson) watching her every move, Poppy must concoct a plan to get herself kicked out of the school, all while finding the reasons that might make her want to stay. Flower boy of the screen is played by Storm Breaker's Alex Pettyfer.

It's probably because this was the first time I've watched Emma Roberts play such a bratty role that I actually enjoyed the movie. She was so convincing by the way that I personally wanted to wring her neck at one point. Kidding. It's a light and fun movie that's just perfect for someone who needs a few hours of ME time. Plus, there're makeover scenes. =)

If ever you get the chance, please do check this movie out. Cheerio!

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