Monday, July 8, 2013

I Nailed It #12: Girl Stuff Nail Polish in Avo Loco

Hello! Time for another nail polish entry! ^^ Lately, it has been my goal to paint my nails with pretty colors or do nail art, mainly because my hands have a lot of paper cuts (comes with my job *haha*) So I figured why not have pretty nails instead of dwelling on how hideous my hands look with all the BandAids. ^^

Anyway, during SM North Edsa's Mid-year sale, I picked up this pretty green color nail polish from Girl Stuff. I was actually looking for a neon green nail polish but this one is the closest they have. It's not exactly neon but it looks great. ^^

Their bag/packaging is too cute so I didn't have the heart to throw it out. ^^ A bottle of Girl Stuff Nail Polish is regularly priced at 100.00 a bottle. But since I got mine during the sale, 10% was slashed off. 

It's actually a pretty big bottle and it's free from the big three stuff that are said to be the common toxic substances found in nail polish so a big "yey" for that. ^^

It's not actually a color that reminds  me of avocados. It actually reminds me of green apples. What I have on is two coats. The finish is just like those of regular polish. "Lasting power" on nails is pretty much the same with regular polishes. On me, that would mean two days then it starts chipping. ^^

I actually like the color of Avo Loco and the I didn't experience streaking while applying the polish. Love the shape of the bottle too. 

A hundred bucks is pretty steep for a nail polish but considering that it's almost free from toxic substances, I'd say it's somewhat worth it.

Girl Stuff actually has a few more colors I want to try, and their washable polish too. ^^

You can find Girl Stuff at the 2nd floor of SM North Edsa, Main Building. 


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