Thursday, October 11, 2012

Beauty Buffet Facial Masks

Hi. I don't know if I've mentioned that a few months ago, our camera got stolen. It was your run-of-the-mill digital camera, but it was good and our only camera. I then decided to save up (meaning no unnecessary make-up purchases) for a new one because, well, we kinda need it. My need of a camera equates to this blog needing pictures. This blog survived all this time because I kept on borrowing my dad's phone. =)

Anyway, now that we have a new run-of-the-mill camera, I'm hoping to make this blog more alive and updated than usual.

Whenever my sister would see me putting on a facial mask, she'd ask me why I wasn't taking pictures. First, I always forget and ...nope. That's about it. I just forget. Hence, this collective review on the Beauty Buffet Facial Masks I've already tried.

Each mask is 39 bucks, but Watsons sometimes have this 2 for 59 promo. The last two I bought were on sale. Made in Taiwan

The Verdict:

With its price, cute packaging, and effects, I think Beauty Buffet Facial Masks are good buys. The first two (pink and green) gave my skin a bit of glow after I used it, but my favorite would have to be the green tea and grape seed because it made my pores look fine.

These, by the way, are your typical facial masks, with the slits and all. But, what I love about these masks is that they don't drip. My sister has tried masks before and she had to put her hand out when she takes the mask out the container because it's dripping wet. That's essence going to waste so I'd rather the masks don't drip. BTW, it has a plastic mask dummy on, kinda like a sticker that you peel off. It makes it easier to open up the mask without ripping it apart.

If you're into facial masks for relaxation and comfort, I'd suggest you try these from Beauty Buffet. These can be found at any branch of Watsons. I've heard that their charcoal one is really good (it's color gray I think) but I've yet to try that one.

What are your fave masks? Lemme know. Cheerio!


  1. Beauty Buffet is one of the stores I've seen in Thailand. Maybe it's just a coincidence? Anyway, I will try this out! :) Super affordable, i must say!

    The Misty Mom

    1. Maybe it is a store! That'd be nice. Thanks for dropping by. =)

  2. facial masks are amazing!! i love using them couple of times a week, really refreshing :) i love the masks with green tea :)

    1. Masks are refreshing! I only've gotten to try one mask with green tea and I loved it. =)
