Saturday, August 18, 2012

Look What I Bought #2

Hi. It's a good thing it's a long weekend huh? I'm planning to watch movies til I drop. What about you? =) Anyway, just a quick post here to show you guys what I bought about a couple of hours ago. Reviews on the beauty products to follow (after thorough testing) =)

Pure Beauty Pomegranate Anti-oxidant Essence- 51 Php
(I've been meaning to test out the products of Pure Beauty since it's a drugstore Korean Brand. This was the first thing I bought. FIRST IMPRESSION: Smells great)

E.L.F. Blending Eye Brush - 129.75 Php
(Been on my list for quite a while now. It was either this or the one from Charm, but I decided to try this one first. FIRST IMPRESSION: Sheds like crazy! Lost about 25 strands while I was testing it. Uh-oh)

Solemate Doll Shoes -399 for 2 pairs (Olive and Caramel or is it Brown?)
(My shoes have been giving up on me with all the rain, so these I really need. A pair costs 299 so I think this is a great deal.)

Any good movies you'd like to suggest? I'll only be renting out anyways. =)

Enjoy your very long weekend guys! Cheerio!


  1. I wanted to grab those solemate shoes since their so cute and affordable :) Maybe on my next visit to the mall.

    Hope you can tell me where I can buy the Pure Beauty Pomegranate Anti-oxidant Essence :)

    Thank you~

    1. They are cute! =) I bought the essence at the makeup area at SM North's department store. I found it near the Watsons products. I think you can find it at Watsons too. =)

  2. Those shoes are adorable! I hope they're comfortable, I'm a bit afraid to get flats because of the comfort issue!

    1. Thanks! They are comfortable. Just make sure to try 'em on. I usually choose flats made of soft cloth to be safe. =)
