Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Certified Movie Buff: Sydney White aka Sydney White and the Seven Dorks

Hi. I think I've told you how much I'm a sucker for "spin-off" movies of Disney fairy tales. Sydney White is also one of my favorite fairy tale-ish movies.

It's a 2007 film starring Nickelodeon alumnus Amanda Bynes.

Amanda plays the dorky-ish tomboy-ish Sydney White, a college freshman, who in the midst of taking in college on a scholarship program, finds herself being good friends with the seven "outcasts or dorks" of Vortex, after being kicked out of her mother's college "house."

Not only is she determined to save Vortex from becoming non-existent, but she is also driven to put the entire Greek system into its proper place.

It's an interesting play on the typical Snow White story, with an amazing cast to boot. Sarah Paxton is the very teeth-gritting character Rachel Witchburn and Matt Long plays the "charming" Tyler Prince.

I think there really isn't a lot of modern movies that are made in such a way that they're not too patterned after the fairy tales. Cinderella, being the most common, mostly have spin-off movies that have become entirely predictable. I haven't seen a lot of Snow White inspired modern chick flicks, and I think Sydney White is a good version. Sydney isn't too feminine (being raised by mostly men), which made her such an interesting Snow White. The humor of the film sufficed for Sydney's lack of damsel-in-distress scenes, which is actually really good.

This is a must-watch for those who love chick flicks. I catch in on HBO sometimes, or you could always just rent it out. =)



  1. I love that movie! I've watched that probably 6 times!

    I'm a dork! haha.

    new follower here, please do visit my blog.


    1. I love it too! I've probably watched it just as much. Love your blog! =)

  2. When I first watched this I was hoping for Sydney to be paired up with that Dorky Glasses guy she first met. I was slightly disappointed about that Hahaha

    1. Ah, Lenny, the one with the allergies? I always liked him more as the best friend. =)
