Tuesday, October 8, 2013

September 2013 Hit Listers

Hi! I know this list of, well, hit listers is super late but here it is anyway. ^^ My days have been really crazy lately, but I will try my best to fill in my missing blog days.

Most of the items on this list are the ones that I've picked up late August and early September. Here goes...

1. Etude House Correct and Care (CC) Cream in Silky
- I wasn't really planning on hopping onto the CC cream bandwagon. But ever since I watched an episode of Get It Beauty that talked about the better benefits of using CC cream, I decided to give it a try. So far, I'm liking this one from Etude House. Although I have yet to see its long term use effects, I'm happy with it.

2. Etude House Dear My Jelly Lips-talk in Sweet and Sour Orange
- I was initially planning on getting a bright orange lippie but zeroed in on this instead. I love that it's like a tinted balm and smells like candy.

3. Artdeco Camouflage Cream in #9
-I've been always on the search for the best concealer that can help me with covering up my dark spots and scars. I've heard great things about this concealer cream and I'm glad to say, after trying it out, I support most of those things.

4. Majolica Majorca Brow and Lash Colorist in BR333
-I usually keep a tube of brow mascara around for my mom who, let's just say, wasn't blessed with much brow hair. ^^ It was actually my mom who saw this and wanted to try it out. I'm glad she convinced me to buy it because I actually came around to liking it as well.

5. LOL Pressed Powder in Light
-This is probably one of the best powders I've tried in terms of shade match. I also love it's packaging and, it's inexpensive too.

6. LOL Glitter Eye Cream in Starry Night
-I never thought I'd find a glitter eye cream shadow, much less a set of it, that wouldn't cause much pain to my wallet. Plus, it works so well.

7. Jolie Soft Leather Boots
-I've been searching for a pair of boots that I could wear on weekends and in the office and when I saw these brown boots, I knew they were the pair. ^^ I have no problem taking a hike with these on.

8. Face Brush from Landmark
-I always turn to the trusty white sugar when my face needs a good scrub but I figured it'd be better to actually own a face brush/scrub. And where better to look than in Landmark. So what'd you know, I found this and it's only 40 bucks. That's even less than a dollar.

9. Bobbie Royal Caviar Pearl Collection in Gorgeous Princess
-When I saw this at Watsons, I immediately grabbed it since I knew it would go out of stock soon like all their other special nail polishes. ^^ For only 99 bucks, this is actually a great set for those who want to don pearly nails. ^^

10. Two Weeks
-I was actually watching Two Weeks with Master's Sun but decided to include Master's Sun first on my hit listers. Two Weeks probably is one of the few K-dramas (the other is I Hear Your Voice) that managed to give me a small case of heart attack every week with its cliff hangers. Two Weeks is actually about Tae San, a gangster who suddenly finds out that he has an 8 year old daughter in need of a bone marrow transplant and he's the only possible donor. Unfortunately, he's also running for his life. Basically, he has to survive the two weeks before his daughter's scheduled surgery-- he dies, his daughter dies. A must-watch. Definitely. I hope one of the local networks gives this some airtime.

Hope you like this month's hit listers. ^^ Cheerio!


  1. Totally ♥♥♥ your haul! I am in love with the Etude House lippie you bought! Great haul I'm so jelly! :)


    1. Thanks! ^^ They're more of accumulated items really. I really love the lippie from Etude too. ^^ Glad you liked the post. ^^
