Wednesday, July 3, 2013

I Nailed It #11: Etude House Look at My Nails in Strawberry Milk Syrup

Hey! Here's a quick look/review on an Etude House nail polish. We picked this up when we were trying to get the ice cream loofah freebie and we were short by 60 bucks. ^^

They only had a few colors of the Look at My Nails Polish and since my sis wanted something pastel in color. So we got this cotton candy pink color.

This one is in ttalgi uyu syrup or strawberry milk syrup. Now that I know what it translates to, it actually does seem like a thick nail polish version of strawberry milk. 

A bottle costs 78.00. A bit on the pricier side of polishes. 

Etude House really comes up with such awesome packaging. ^^

While I'm not so much of a pastel person, much less a pink person, I actually find this color rather pleasing to the eyes. You know how some shades of pink are distracting-ly a little too pink? This one's actually sort of muted, so it can easily pass as some sort of neutral shade. ^^

And the brush of this polish is actually wide that you'd have no trouble in application. The finish is some sort of gel-ish finish.

The Look at My Nails line actually has a lot of pastel and soft colors. If Etude House would restock the shades, I'd definitely be picking up a few more colors. 


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